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This Diabetes Cure Turned Out to Work Wonders on Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease has got one of the most common diseases in people ages 60 and up all over the United States. There are actuality about 5 million people in America alone according to Alzheimer’s Association, and it is in fact still growing rather quickly.

About 90% of the people affected are actually 65 and up with an approximate number of 200,000 people. The numbers continue to grow and because of that, people are developing this particular type of dementia almost every 60 seconds according to experts.

This makes Alzheimer’s disease is on the sixth spot when it comes to the top causes of death in the United States alone. There is actually no known cure for this particular disease as of now but a new mice research and experiment on mice was discovered by scientists and it turns out that a type 2 diabetes drug could be the answer to reversing Alzheimer’s, continue reading to find out more.

Diabetes is just like Alzheimer’s disease when it comes to the number of people that it got rid of, it also doesn’t have a cure. However, while scientists from England and China were trying to experiment as well as find a cure for diabetes, they have found something that could cure it.

This research has been recently published in the journal known as the Brain Research, wherein they explained how exactly this particular drug that they refer to as the ‘triple-action’ drug, may help when it comes to the reversal of memory loss that was tested in mice.

According to a professor from Lancaster University in the United Kingdom, this drug could be used when it comes to developing an all-new treatment for chronic neurodegenerative disorders just like Alzheimer’s. This particular type of dementia is a condition where people lose the brain’s power to remember, to think, to hold a proper conversation, and to make decisions.

They also tend to lose the ability to take care of themselves especially if the condition has worsened. The brain undergoes some chemical as well as biological changes where neurons die. Unfortunately, it is still a mystery what exactly causes Alzheimer’s, however, experts managed to find affected brain tissues to be abnormal accumulations of protein which what they call as plaques and tangles



The medical experts tested the said drug on the brains of the mice that were designed for the advanced stages of degeneration. They tested this using a maze learning test wherein the mice that have been treated showed some memory formation. They also examined the brain tissues of the mice where they found that the amyloid plaques, as well as the oxidative stress, has reduced.

According to the leader of the study, those mice who have been treated have displayed an incredible amount of new nerve cell generation as well as cell-to-cell connections. They also observed increased levels of growth factor that is the ones protecting the cells of the brain.

BruceBlaus/Wikimedia Commons

Professor Holscher, who is the leader of this research even said that the outcome is indeed incredibly promising because of how it actually demonstrated the efficacy the drugs that wasn’t even made for Alzheimer’s but was actually meant for type 2 diabetes. The results has indeed shown consistent neuroprotective effects in several studies.


This could definitely be such a huge help especially now that Dementia has been considered as one of the costliest conditions of today. In fact, in 2017 alone, millions of people who were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in the United States, paid more than $200 billion for that single year alone.


Type two diabetes on the other hand is known for having the cells from the body resisting insulin which is why glucose couldn’t come into the bloodstream therefore wouldn’t be used for energy. Based on previous research, type 2 diabetes is actually one of the risk factors for Alzheimer’s, this is because of what they have found in the growth factor signaling in people’s brain who has Alzheimer’s.


This is actually the very first study wherein they showed how the triple receptor agonist could actually have the power to be able to protect the brain damage that may often lead to having Alzheimer’s disease.

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