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Four Types of Depression You Should Watch Out From

Whenever life doesn’t go in our own way, we sometimes can’t help but be depressed. We feel down and suddenly surrounded by a negative aura.  Depression is a mental, emotional, and psychological disorder that is hard to cure. Besides that, depression just comes in many forms. The signs and symptoms are quite similar, so it is hard to distinguish one from the others.

“Whenever you read a cancer booklet or website or whatever, they always list depression among the side effects of cancer. But, in fact, depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side effect of dying.”  ― John Green

Here are the four types of depression that you should watch out for better treatment.

Major Depression

Of course, this kind of depression tops our list. The symptoms include what you generally feel when you’re depressed: a low mood, lack of interest in your routine, and lack of appetite, which eventually lead to weight loss. A depressed person can also experience trouble in sleeping because the patient’s mind is filled either with guilt, worthlessness, and even thoughts of suicide.

This occurs when we’re experiencing something big and terrible. What’s dangerous about this is that the symptoms may persist up to two weeks or even longer. If you’re having these symptoms, it’s recommended that you seek professional help immediately.

Psychotic Depression

Thi is one of the most dangerous types of depression a person can experience. This type of depression takes away the victim’s ability to grasp the reality. Symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, illusions, and dreams. The patient has a hard time distinguishing reality from fiction. Furthermore, it numbs one’s deductive reasoning.

If not treated, this type of depression can escalate to insanity. It’s dangerous not only for the patient but also for the people around as one is capable of doing anything. Most individuals who suffer from this type of depression are those who have been victims of addiction

Peripartum/Postpartum Depression

This type of depression normally occurs to women throughout their pregnancy. To some, it extends after the delivery of the child.  Symptoms of Peripartum/Postpartum include fluctuating moods (highs and lows), disruptive thoughts, and self-consciousness. The mother may experience self-loathing due to gaining weight (being out of shape) or the stretch marks.  If this happens, it is your duty as a husband or a family member to reassure her that you’ll love her no matter what.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

This type of depression is a little different from the other three discussed above because it is triggered by a change in seasons. Usually, it occurs at the beginning of winter and fall due to the occurrence of “darker” and “duller” days.

“If you know someone who’s depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather.”  ― Stephen Fry

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