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Can You Really Lose Weight By Consuming Black Coffee?

Coffee is a very popular brewed drink which is prepared from beans of coffee found in nature. The dark color of coffee is because of the roasting of coffee beans before using it. Without sugar, coffee has a bitter taste and it is mildly acidic in its effect. It also has a stimulating effect on people because it contains caffeine in a large amount. A serving of 100 ml of coffee contains about 40 mg of caffeine.

Julius Schorzman/Wikimedia Commons
Without sugar, coffee has a bitter taste and it is mildly acidic in its effect.

There are numerous researches carried out to study the impact of coffee on the human body, and many of these studies concluded the fact that a large amount of coffee is not very healthy for consumption because of its acidic nature and a high dosage of caffeine.

People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases and acid reflex are not recommended to consume coffee. However, consuming coffee in moderate amounts is considered healthy for various reasons. One of the reasons people make coffee part of their diet is to curtail the accumulation of fat in their body. Yes, coffee is believed to reduce weight, but very little research has been carried out to date to support the evidence.

The Properties of Caffeine

Caffeine has the property to boost the metabolism process and can increase the rate of fat burning. Because of the considerable amount of caffeine in a single serving of black coffee, it can stimulate the metabolic system if consumed after every meal.

Nutritionists also recommend drinking a cup of black coffee early in the morning to receive a shot of energy and to aid the weight loss process. Consuming coffee in the morning also increases the concentration level for the rest of day.

TGar21/Wikimedia Commons
Caffeine has the property to boost the metabolism process and can increase the rate of fat burning

Coffee stimulates thermogenesis in the human body which increases the fat burning rate. Coffee contains the acid known as chlorogenic acid which decreases the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates and fat.

As a result of this, absorption of carbohydrates is slowed down and fats burn at a relatively faster rate. Coffee can be a very useful tool for people who want to lose weight but drinking too much coffee can actually cause negative impacts. Our body has the tendency to develop immunity against the process of fat burning, and thus, drinking too much coffee with the purpose of losing weight will not be beneficial at all.

The Key Lies In the Dosage

The key is to drink the right amount of coffee if you wish to retain the maximum benefits out of its fat burning mechanism. According to nutritionists, drinking 1 to 2 cups of black coffee per day are enough to achieve this purpose.

And if you drink it early morning before the start of your daily activities, then it is the most recommended time of the day to achieve your weight loss goals. Early morning consumption is recommended because coffee has the tendency to reduce your appetite.

Maksym Kozlenko/Wikimedia Commons
The key is to drink the right amount of coffee if you wish to retain the maximum benefits out of its fat burning mechanism.

Due to the stimulation of thermogenesis process which starts after black coffee is consumed, the body generates heat and energy because it is burning fat. This temporarily reduces the need to consume food, which is particularly beneficial for people who are obese and also those suffering from diabetes type 2.

Consumption of coffee can lower the heightened sugar levels in the blood and reduce the need for food consumption in a large amount. According to one study, in which 93,000 people with varying dietary habits were observed, those who consumed more coffee had lowered their risk of developing diabetes type 2 and obesity.

The Right Way To Make Coffee

Coffee can reduce weight when roasted beans are brewed for making black coffee without adding any cream or sugar in it. Only black coffee taken in brewed form is effective in achieving the weight loss purpose. People who consume coffee with cream and sugar actually encourage the opposite effect in their body. All of these hidden calories in coffee made with cream and sugar result in weight gain and increased level of sugar in the blood.

Insulin levels increase with an increase in sugar level. Also, caffeinated black coffee is better than decaffeinated coffee. If caffeine consumption is unsuitable to your health, since many people are not able to bear the effects of high amount of caffeine, then you should not consume black coffee on an empty stomach as it can cause an increase level of acidity in your stomach and make you suffer from heartburn, nausea or diarrhea. In such cases, it is better to first consult a good nutritionist before consuming black coffee on an empty stomach.

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