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Don’t Rely Too Much On Diets of Your Favorite Celebrities

Naturally, people tend to copy what they see on TV screens, especially what their favorite pop stars do. The most common trends are fashion costumes, dance steps, swag and body movements. Just when one celebrity slides her index finger along her chin, the fans will follow suit, and before we could say “Jack Robinson!”, the style would have become widespread.

Nothing is wrong with following the footsteps of your adored celebrities as far as fashion statements are concerned, but when it comes to health practices and fitness rituals, it will be better not to be in haste to join the ‘high class’ trend.

The reason is that not everything these screen ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses’ do is recommendable to all and sundry. It’s best to seek medical advice from professionals before jumping in. Max Bridger is a personal instructor and also co-founded LDNM, who shared examples of these types of unadvisable diet fads practiced by these artists.

  1. Ketogenic diet routine

Ketogenic diet routine is common among female stars like Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Kardashian, and Rihanna. Max talked about the importance of carbohydrates in our diets, but Keto diet discourages carbs. Max noted that carbohydrates are one of the most vital classes of food in the five groups of food. Ketogenic diet primarily endorses low-carb intake, and without it, energy to the body will be small. As a result of this deficiency, energy will instead rely on fat which is the only available source. Naturally, when we eliminate some food classes for a long time, our body will develop a somewhat resistance to that food group over time, says Max. He said this could lead to a kind of abnormal eating habit called ‘orthorexia,’ a baneful relationship with such food class.

Although low-carb diets can help in cutting down on excess calories, it will be better if you also try the alternative means which is staying away from deprecating substances like sugar and carbohydrates, Max explains. He stated clearly that the opposite is usually the case when you deny yourself the pleasures of eating some food classes because the cravings to go on an eating spree will be worse, due to the uncontrollable desires it usually caused. He reminded us that normally, you are less likely to enjoy your restricted eating routine, so the desire to indulge often will be greater.

  1. 5-2 meal fad

This routine is common among female stars, particularly, Beyoncé. If you want to diet, Max disapproves this method. 5-2 meal plan, otherwise called ‘5-2 diet’, is similar to the idea behind intermittent fasting. It’s very hard for users of this diet to keep up with its demands, just to lose weight.

5-2 meal involves having a regular meal eating for the first five days of the week, then for the next two days, begin a process of consuming calorie which is below 500. For people who want to shed weight as swift as possible, this method may be fast on them, but Max said such plan is very difficult to maintain and it’s not compatible with many people’s ways of life, especially on a long-term basis. 5-2 diet is adjustable, a feature that is more favorable on your fasting period.

Max pointed out two disadvantages of this practice; all the weight you have been working hard to shed will return to your body when you go back to your regular diet. Secondly, your metabolic system may become weak due to the compelled starvation process you made it pass through. The professional trainer, however, mentioned its only advantage, which is its ability to help you recognize your hunger sources. Focus more on these aspects anytime you go back to your regular diet, then probably you may enjoy this advantage, says Max.

  1. Meals of restored shakes

Meals of restored shakes is a diet where you sacrifice one of your favorite foods every day.

This routine is common among female stars like Kim Kardashian. According to Max, meal restored shakes refers to the practice of sacrificing some of your favorite foods for each day. He went on to expand on it by explaining that people swap for one delicious shake which is mixed with a recommended fat elimination mixture (thermogenic), but don’t be deceived because, in reality, you are just consuming an ordinary protein-fused shake which taste is not really different to a solidified water.

Max made it clear that the total measurement of this mixture is just some calories that only weigh a hundred pounds. Naturally, said Max, an effective soaking in of calories would result in weight loss, but the process will be so boring and unmanageable. In additions, when you cut down on your calorie consumption, your body will develop the tendency to regain your lost weight anytime you go back to a regular diet since your metabolism would have lost its strength.

Max gave some useful professional advice on how to handle your diets and exercises:

  1. Eat a balanced meal of 80/20 formula, i.e., 80 percent of diet meals and 20 percent of your best meals, regardless of their class.
  2. Ensure you work out 4 to 5 times per week, and engage more cardio, weights, sports, and resistance. This action will collaborate with calorie management.

3. Do simple diets that will be easy for you to maintain on a long-term basis.

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