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Beyonce Swears By Veganism! But Here’s What’s Concerning About the Lifestyle

With stardom comes great responsibility – sure, celebs get to enjoy world-class accommodation, royal treatment, luxurious trips and getaways, but the status comes with a certain level of accountability especially since they are considered role models by millions of naive and gullible fans who look up to their idols for inspiration.

Needless to say, celebrities face more pressure to make sure that they set good examples that the younger generation can learn from and emulate in their own lives, and therefore they must take extra precaution when deciding what products or lifestyle habits they promote.

This includes diets, with some celebrities being notorious for favoring outrageous plans in preparation for films or shows, while others just adhere to these programs to feel and look their absolute best. Come to think of it, if you found out their favorite celebrity was following a particular diet, wouldn’t you be willing to give it a go?

However, these diets aren’t necessarily safe for them, or anyone else for that matter, nor will these provide their desired results. Here are some crazy examples of what stars eat on a daily basis and why they might not be the healthiest option for you:


We can all agree that Queen Bey has one of the best physiques in Hollywood, if not the world. However, the Lion King actress has also been known for her weird diets that she claimed worked wonders for her, but had found an enemy in science.

Recently, the 37-year-old and her husband, rapper Jay-Z, turned over a new leaf by jumping onto the veganism bandwagon and even challenged their fans to follow their seemingly healthy lifestyle.

Beyonce’s Master Cleanse diet allegedly helped her achieve her goal for Dreamgirls

Although some outlets contest that the high-profile couple is only part-vegan, the singer is giving her fans access to her 22-day plant-based recipes for $14.

This diet is playing on a 1,400-calorie per day, but what’s alarming is that one green smoothie has eight teaspoons of sugar. Nutritionist Daniel O’Shaughnessy explained that this could be harmful for people with preexisting health conditions or a higher risk of diabetes.

Beyonce is also known for her Master Cleanse which she religiously followed in preparation for DreamgirlsThe very restrictive plan entails drinking only a lemon concoction made up of maple syrup, lemon, and cayenne pepper for the plan’s duration which means you won’t get any other nutrients from food.

Shailene Woodley

Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons
Shailene Woodley claims clay helps flush out toxins

The Divergent actress raised some eyebrows when she revealed that she drinks 8 ounces of water with half a teaspoon of clay every day, a health tip she was given by a cab driver. Shailene Woodley referred to it as the “best thing” you can ingest to get rid of toxins because clay cleanses your gut and aids digestion.

A lot of experts expressed concern over this insane assertion, saying that the body doesn’t need any help to flush out toxins. Although clay has calcium and iron, you can still get the minerals from far healthier sources like fruits and vegetables — which are actually edible.

Jack Dorsey

Jack Dorsey may be known for being the CEO and founder of micro-blogging platform Twitter but he is also famous for his controversial and very restrictive diet.

The entrepreneur explained that he only eats once a day, every dinner, a meal that has vegetables, protein, and dessert, which he eats between 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. As for the weekend, he completely fasts and will only eat on Sunday night, breaking his fast with a nutritious bone broth.

He claimed that this makes him more focused, but experts couldn’t disagree more. Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani who specializes in eating disorders said that people may feel productive when they are deprived of nutrients, especially carbs that can lead to energy crashes, but starving yourself can impact your brain’s ability to focus and think clearly.

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