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This Is The Shocking Reason Kylie Jenner Is Slammed For Her Skincare Routine

At 22, Kylie Jenner has a successful makeup line that recently expanded into skincare. Despite being one of the most controversial members of the reality clan, the social media superstar remains to be looked up to by her avid fans.

However, as much as she has millions of supporters, she also has throngs of critics patiently waiting for her to make a mistake. Of late, Kylie had people coming after her for her skincare routine – but why?

Using Her Products

When she launched Kylie Skin line, she subsequently released a video detailing her skincare regimen. However, as much as it should promote her products, naysayers had a lot to say about how she cleaned her face.

Kylie Jenner/YouTube — Kylie shared her skincare routine

While the video received mixed reactions, one thing is for sure: it was the talk of the town. Critics pointed out how Kylie was actually doing more harm than good since what she did in the clip was against what experts have advised.

Others, meanwhile, poked fun at how fast she washed her face. In just a few seconds, the reality star was done with the process – but fans pointed out that this wasn’t long enough to really remove all the makeup and dirt.

Because of this, many people felt that Kylie was deceiving her customers when she said that her glowing and spotless skin was because of her products. Nonetheless, her brand has only flourished and gained more customers with time.

Kylie Skin’s Issues

Everyone had their eyes on Kylie Skin products as it was teased by the celebrity for a long time prior to its release. So when she finally dropped the products, it had her fans scrambling to order their favorite items.

Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock — Jeffree Star targeted Kylie’s products

While many buyers were satisfied with their orders, there were a lot of people who didn’t mince their words when they reviewed the new products. YouTuber Jeffree Star was one of those who didn’t like Kylie’s creations, particularly lambasting the moisturizer and facial scrub.

A lot of customers also had an issue with the walnut scrub because it was reportedly abrasive, which is why it isn’t ideal for everyday use. However, it is worth noting that exfoliants like scrubs aren’t really meant to be a daily cleanser because they can scrape off the new cells as well.

Kylie Skin — The Kylie Skin line was met with mixed reviews

Plus, the walnut scrub was heavily compared to the famous apricot scrub from another brand. As such, many fans accused Kylie of putting her supporters’ skin in harm’s way. Others criticized her for selling wipes that aren’t environment-friendly.

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